Saturday, April 1, 2017

Terminal Length

I have never feared terminal length until now.  What is terminal length?  It is the maximum length hair will grow, and then it will either stop growing or shed.  Some people don't seem to have terminal length.  They grow their hair as long as they want want want.

I have always chosen to cut my hair for some reason before my hair ever got super long.  So, now that I am open to growing my hair super long, I think...but I'm trying to deny....that my hair has stopped growing.  I am not complaining too much since my hair is definitely long.  But I want MORE MORE MORE!

I think there are different reasons for terminal length.  My number one reason is breakage.  Since I damaged my short hair by heat styling it, those old ends are now breaking.  But I am hoping the other reason isn't true....because it not be!!!  Waaaah haaaaa haaaaaa!

So, in an effort to deny my age, and against my mom's wishes.  I am coloring my hair.  When I met up with some of my high school friends, one of them, Anita, had a lively red hue to her hair.  I looked at her and said "I wanna have cool colors like that, but my mom won't let me."  And she said "get an oil slick".  And I said "what's that?"  And she said "you got Google, look it up!"  So, I did, and this is what I found.

OOooooh, I get the colors of an oil slick on the asphalt.  I like it!  Since I am older and retired, taking guitar lessons again, and my hair is damaged anyway, let's have some fun!  Just in time for my daughter's college graduation when I'll meet all her friends, some for the first time!

So whether your hair is just past your waistline or down to the can always do MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE!!!!!