Friday, January 30, 2015

Enough about me, check out one of my long hair sistahs!

Channel Islands High School Class of '86, hollah!  That's right, we graduated right in the middle of that colorful, tacky, totally awesome decade!  Everyone had a can of Aqua Net.  And everyone cut and colored their hair to try to be like the following:


So for us long hair types, it was a challenge to be counter culture.  But we were there, and are still here...and one in particular embodies the beauty of islander long hair to this day!  Meet my fellow high school sister, Eden!

Now, I could have posted some high school picture of her, but why...look at her NOW (okay, this was a couple of months ago).  I mean, wow!  She looks fantastic!  And she's living the long hair dream....she lives in Hawaii and does all things Hawaiian, like hula dancing and making lilikoi butter and ti leaf necklaces like the one she gave me.  Not only that, she's a wonderful wife and mama of two awesome boys.  

But what prompted me to write this blog was this picture of her.  

The beauty, the drama, the long hair!!!  I love this picture!!!  And everyone loves Eden.  She has always been one of those girls that was genuinely kind.  She couldn't be pinned down to a clique because she was just totally cool with everyone.  Like totally rad.  Like totally choice.  To the max.  Later, dude!