The above are the before and after pictures from my George Michael Trim and Treatment. The important thing here to notice is not the curl, which is part of the process, but the shine. Because of the way my hair looked when it was short, I felt the need to heat style it most of the time. But as you can see, it did take a toll on my hair, particularly on the ends. For those of you who would like to repair your hair so that you can continue growing it, or if you feel you just want your hair to look better whatever your length is, I highly recommend this process. I know there are some of you out there that have naturally awesome hair (Ana, my lovely belly dancer friend), but for those of you who want a real boost to the health of your hair, this works. Denise barely trimmed anything off the ends, which if it was probably up to me, I would have chopped off a couple of inches that I thought were dry and brittle. This is why I love Denise....she saves my hair every time! She looked at her records and the first time I visited her was actually in 2005! Almost 10 years!
Now, I can't wash my hair for another couple of days...which is difficult when you work out like I do. So, I took a break yesterday and probably will for the next couple of days, just so that I'm not totally funkafied. I love the smell of this George Michael stuff, too. Even after teaching NewVo, my hair still smells loveleh, IMHO. Okay, maybe not so H.